Have you ever wondered how many people are in AIAA Atlanta? I have!! And as chair of the membership committee, I can find out by downloading our Section roster from AIAA HQ!! Here are some statistics and demographics for your enlightenment!! And, as you view the numbers and charts, think about what a miniscule fraction of AIAA Atlanta Members actually apply themselves in the Section Council (5/547 = 0.009 or roughly 1%!!!(Only 5 of the 8 Council positions are filled and Professional and Student Members are eligible for Council positions: 547 = 309+238)) This ridiculously small number of people are contributing freely of their time to provide meaningful programs & events for the entire Section to enjoy. But, Section management is purely voluntary and, as is true with so many volunteer organizations, what you gain from volunteering is proportional to what you put into it!! So, the Council is gaining valuable project management skills that they might not otherwise achieve in their regular employment. These are skills that would probably benefit you as well if you volunteered to help the Atlanta Section. So, if I have inspired you to take an active role in the Atlanta Section, contact me (aaron.harcrow@aiaa-atlanta.org) or any of the Council and ask how you can help the Section!! And look ahead to a more prosperous and successful AIAA Membership for 5, 10, 20, 50, 75 years from now!!

There are 740 people associated with AIAA Atlanta! Betcha didn’t think there were that many didja? Here’s the breakdown by membership grade:

Grade Number
Honorary Fellow 2
Associate Fellow 57
Fellow 19
Senior Member 105
Member 58
Young Professional 35
e-Member 29
Associate Member 4
Total Professionals 309
Student 238
High School Student 19
Educator Associate 174
Section Total 740

Are you the only AIAA member at you company or organization? Let’s take a look at some of the companies and organizations having more than one member!! This table doesn’t include everyone because some people have not provided an entry for their organization. Check your AIAA member info online at aiaa.org and if your entry for organization is blank, consider providing a value. If you are retired, it is helps AIAA Atlanta to know that, so please enter “Retired” for your organization.

Organization Number
Lockheed Martin 26
Georgia Tech Professionals 106
Georgia Tech Students 235
KSU Professionals 3
KSU Students 3
UGA Professionals 2
UGA Students 5
Area-I 2
SpaceWorks 5
Generation Orbit 1
Delta Air Lines 7
Earthly Dynamics 4
Hermeus 4
Georgia Center of Innovation 8
Museum 2

So, what’s the age distribution of AIAA Atlanta? The chart below shows the distribution of Members by age. The median age is 41.6 years old and I’ll let you calculate the standard deviation!!


And, finally, here’s a chart showing the numbers of years of AIAA membership of our Section Members. Take note of the log scale!! As you can see, there are many in the Student and Educator Associate grades in the Section who have 1 year or less of Membership. And check out the number of Members who have greater than 55 years of Membership!! Yes, we have one illustrious Member who has been with AIAA and it’s predecessor societies for 75 years!! Do you think that you will make it that long?