The annual Delta Air Lines Block Party in Atlanta is scheduled for Saturday, May 6, 2017. This is just what is says: Delta throws a block party for its employees!! With games, food (famous Delta TechOps grill), beverages (famous TechOps beer wagon), get free bling, visit tents sponsored by Delta employee groups, visit the AIAA Atlanta tent!!, free entry into Delta museums & displays, including the new 747 exhibit, dance to live music, HAVE FUN!!!!. From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Parking lot around Delta Flight Museum.

The DBP is only for DAL employees, but AIAA Atlanta Members can join the fun by VOLUNTEERING TO STAFF THE AIAA ATLANTA TENT FOR PART OF THE DAY!!! Enjoy lots of free stuff WITHOUT having to work at DAL!!!

So, if you’re an AIAA Member and want to trade part of your Saturday, May 6, 2017, to promote AIAA and then enjoy the DBP, then send me an email and let’s start the planning.

Aaron Harcrow

Chairman, Membership Committe